Common Types of Auto Collisions | Belt, Bruner & Barnett

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Common Types of Auto Collisions

Dec 11, 2019 | Car Accidents

Being involved in a motor vehicle accident can have catastrophic consequences for you and your family. If you’ve been injured in any of the common types of auto collisions due to another party’s negligence or recklessness, Belt, Bruner, & Barnett P.C., can help. Our Alabama car accident lawyers have more than 65 years of combined experience representing people injured in various types of auto collisions. Our auto accident attorneys can help pursue claims arising from:

At Belt, Bruner, & Barnett P.C., we can explain your legal options, immediately begin investigating your accident to preserve valuable evidence, and help you pursue compensation for your injuries and losses.

Alabama Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics

According to the most recent data from the Department of Transportation, a motor vehicle crash was reported every 4.15 minutes in Alabama in 2013. Sadly, Alabama drivers have greater than a one-in-three chance of being injured or killed in an auto collision over their lifetime. In 2013 alone, there were 126, 862 motor vehicle crashes resulting in over 37,000 injuries and 852 fatalities.

Common Types of Auto Collisions

While any type of auto collision can lead to serious injuries, some injuries are more closely associated with certain types of crashes. For example, rear-end collisions typically result in whiplash. The most common types of auto collisions we see include:

  • Rear-end
  • T-bone or side-impact
  • Sideswipes
  • Head-on
  • Single-vehicle accidents (i.e. colliding with a parked car, animal, fixed object, bicyclist, or pedestrian).

Common Types of Truck Accidents

When trucks are not operated in a safe and responsible manner, other drivers and passengers are at risk of serious injury and even death. The significant weight and size difference between trucks and smaller passenger vehicles often leads to more severe injuries in the event of a crash. In fact, the majority of truck crashes are passenger vehicle occupants and 1 in 10 highway fatalities involve a large truck.

Some common types of accidents involving large trucks include:

  • Rollovers
  • Tire Blowouts
  • Jackknifes
  • Underride & Override Accidents
  • Shifting cargo
  • Wide-turning Accidents

Causes of Motor Vehicle Crashes

The vast majority of auto accidents are preventable. It is estimated that 90 percent ofmotor vehicle crashes are caused at least in part by human error. The types of driver error that contribute to auto accidents in Alabama involve:

  • Driving on the wrong side of the road
  • Speeding
  • Driving under the influence
  • Driver inattention or fatigue
  • Failure to yield right of way
  • Improper lane change
  • Tailgating
  • Failure to obey traffic laws or signals

Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

Common injuries in motor vehicle accidents include the following:

If you’ve experienced an injury in a vehicle-related accident that was caused by another driver’s negligent or reckless actions, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses through a personal injury claim.

With the help of car accident attorneys in Alabama at Belt, Bruner, & Barnett P.C., you may be able to receive compensation for:

  • Medical costs
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Physical pain
  • Mental anguish
  • Physical impairment
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of use of property

How Our Alabama Auto Accident Lawyers Can Help

The skilled and knowledgeable Alabama injury attorneys at Belt, Bruner, & Barnett P.C. can help you navigate the claims process, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and fight for the maximum compensation possible. We have helped accident victims across Alabama obtain the compensation they deserve so they can focus on rebuilding their lives. Our proven track record includes obtaining a $13 million jury verdict in a single automobile accident (remitted to $9 million by the court), and more than $1 million in 40 other victories.

Call us today at 205-933-1500 to receive a free consultation.