“Minor” Injuries to Keep an Eye on After a Car Accident | Belt, Bruner & Barnett Personal Injury Lawyers

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“Minor” Injuries to Keep an Eye on After a Car Accident

Apr 18, 2022 | Car Accidents

If you were hurt in a car accident, you might believe your injuries were minor. Or at least, they might seem minor. Perhaps you have some minor bruising or head pain, but it’s easy to ignore those symptoms after something traumatic like a car accident.

However, ignoring minor injuries after a car accident can have devastating consequences. While minor injuries often go away on their own, they can also lead to more severe injuries.


Whiplash is one of the most commonly reported car accident injuries. The impact of a crash can cause the neck to snap back and forth, even at low speeds.

Minor cases of whiplash may resolve without medical treatment, but others can lead to severe injuries such as joint damage, disc herniation, and chronic pain. Prompt identification and treatment is crucial.


Concussions can be difficult to identify after an accident. Who wouldn’t be a bit disoriented or confused after a crash? However, these symptoms may be indicative of a concussion. A concussion occurs when the brain hits the inside of the skull.

Most concussions pass with enough rest, but a severe concussion can lead to bruising on the brain, long-term memory issues, or other psychological problems. Some danger signs for a severe concussion include differing pupil sizes, agitation, vomiting and nausea, a worsening headache, and drowsiness.

Head Injuries

Whiplash and concussion are two specific head injuries that lead to more severe injuries. Be wary of all head injuries after a car crash to be on the safe side. What starts as a minor headache or fatigue can quickly become a brain injury that affects you for the rest of your life.

Brain injuries can range in severity. Receiving prompt treatment is a significant factor in how well a patient recovers. Watch out for any worsening symptoms or new symptoms as you recover. If anything doesn’t feel right or becomes unbearable, seek emergency medical attention.


Bruising is normal after a car accident. The pull of the seatbelt, the impact of hitting the airbag, or the blunt force trauma of your car door can all leave you with serious bruising. In some cases, though, bruising indicates a more severe problem.

Bruising in the abdomen can be a sign of internal bleeding, which causes the abdominal cavity to fill up with blood and generally occurs after significant trauma to one of the internal organs.

This injury is generally fatal if not identified and treated immediately, so you should be aware of your symptoms and their progression over time.

Chest Soreness and Tightness

The chest absorbs a lot of force during a car crash. The pressure of the seatbelt and the force of the airbag can cause soreness, dull pain, and general tightness in the chest region.

While this generally resolves with time and rest, that isn’t always the case. These symptoms may be signs of a chest contusion. A chest contusion can lead to other injuries, including pulmonary contusions, a bruised sternum, a myocardial contusion, or a pneumothorax.


If you were not wearing a seatbelt when you crashed, or the crash happened at high speeds, you may have been thrown from the vehicle.

In these types of collisions, it’s common to have deep lacerations and scrape wounds on different parts of your body. While extremely painful, lacerations can usually heal over time if you rest and clean them.

However, if bacteria gets into a laceration, it can spread throughout the body and cause sepsis. Sepsis causes the body’s organs to shut down, eventually leading to death if not treated.

The larger a wound is, the more likely it is to breed infection. When you come into contact with the road or any other dirty surface, the likelihood of infection increases.

Contact an Alabama Car Accident Attorney

Prompt medical treatment after a crash is essential for your health, but on top of that, it is a big part of your personal injury claim. Documenting your injuries helps prove the extent of the damages you suffered and can ultimately help you recover compensation.

At Belt, Bruner, & Barnett P.C., our goal is to help each of our clients get the compensation they deserve after a car accident.

Find out if a personal injury claim is an option for you by contacting us today.