8 Things To Know About Alabama’s Personal Injury Laws

Suppose you suffer a personal injury in Alabama. In that case, you will need to file a claim against the responsible party, whether you were involved in a car accident, a slip and fall accident, or medical malpractice. Certain principles apply to almost all Alabama personal injury claims, especially those based on negligence (carelessness). Below […]

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What Does a Birmingham Car Accident Lawyer Do?

Have you ever been in a car crash in Birmingham, AL? If so, you know how scary and confusing it can be. One minute, you’re driving along, and the next, everything changes. You might be hurt, your car might be damaged, and you’re probably worried about medical bills and missed work.  That’s where a Birmingham […]

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How Do Personal Injury Lawyers Get Paid in Alabama?

When someone is injured in an accident that results from another person’s negligence, they have a right to bring a claim against the negligent party to be compensated for their injuries. Unfortunately, many people don’t assert that right because they think they cannot afford an attorney. What those people don’t realize, however, is that the […]

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How Insurance Companies Avoid Paying Personal Injury Claims

After an accident, victims could face mounting medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses due to their injuries. Those in need of help will turn to insurance companies for help, only to find that help is slow to arrive. Insurance providers are known for tactics that delay or even prevent individuals from getting the financial […]

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When Can You Sue A Cemetery In Alabama?

A cemetery should be a sacred place of respect where your loved ones are laid to rest and memorialized. As such, Alabama courts hold cemeteries and funeral homes to a high standard of respect and care. If your loved one’s remains are handled improperly or carelessly, you may have legal recourse. What Is Cemetery Negligence? […]

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Why Roads Are Becoming More Dangerous For Pedestrians

Pedestrian Deaths Are on the Rise According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 7,000 pedestrians were killed on U.S. roads by automobiles in 2020. That equates to roughly one pedestrian death every 75 minutes. In addition, there were estimated to be 104,000 emergency room visits of pedestrians who needed treatment for non-fatal […]

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How To Find Out If Your Doctor Has Been Sued For Medical Malpractice In Alabama

If you’re wondering if your doctor (or a potential one) might have been part of a lawsuit, here are some interesting stats: So, there’s a chance. But this doesn’t mean that they did anything wrong or are incompetent. Sometimes, patients file suits out of anger, and these accusations need to be handled. But there are instances […]

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Could AI Cause Medical Errors?

In some professions, mistakes are common and even encouraged as a learning experience. The medical industry isn’t one of them. Errors in the healthcare field can lead to catastrophic injuries, illnesses, and even death for patients. With artificial intelligence (AI) being a hot topic, many question its potential use in medicine. AI may reduce the […]

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Your Rights As A Passenger In A Car Accident

It’s no surprise Americans are spending more time behind the wheel. In fact, a survey from AAA Foundation’s American Driving Survey found that U.S. drivers spend an average of about an hour per day driving and travel nearly 30 miles. While you might do most of your driving in your own vehicle, what happens if you’re in an […]

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What Is Contributory Negligence, And How Does It Apply To Alabama Injury Cases?

Negligence is a concept in personal injury law that must be proven for an injured party to hold someone legally responsible for their damages. Negligence is essential to a successful personal injury claim across the U.S., but some states’ laws are much stricter and narrower than others — Alabama included. Understanding negligence in Alabama personal […]

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