Top Child Injuries in Alabama | Belt, Bruner & Barnett

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Top Child Injuries in Alabama

Aug 31, 2017 | Personal Injury

If you’re a parent, it’s always important to have safety on the mind. Injuries and deaths can happen to children of any age – even infants. In fact, injuries are most common in children under age 5. If you’re an Alabama parent, it’s important to learn about the most common causes of child injuries so you can protect your child.

If your child suffered a serious injury, your first step is to obtain medical help. After that, you may want to take some time to determine liability. The serious injury lawyers at Belt, Bruner, & Barnett P.C. can help. Call us today at (205) 933-1500.

Causes of Injuries for Each Age Group

  • Age 0–1. Half of all infant injury deaths occur before 4 months of age. The biggest culprit is asphyxiation, which causes 40 percent of infant deaths. Foods, vomit, choking on small items, and suffocation by items inside a crib are the most common causes of asphyxiation. Twenty percent of injury deaths are caused by car accidents, so proper use of your infant’s car seat is essential.
  • Age 1–5. Injuries are the leading cause of death among children in this age range. Growth and development during these years makes children more curious and likely to explore. The biggest risk is poisoning, which stems from putting objects in the mouth. Burn injuries, drowning, and choking are also common during these years.
  • Age 6–12. Pedestrian and bike injuries are very common during these ages. In fact, 10 percent of deaths are attributed to being hit by a car. Burns, drowning, and choking are also common.
  • Age 13–19. As teens learn to drive, their risk of being hurt in a car crash skyrockets. One out of 50 teens is hospitalized for crash-related injuries. Sports injuries are also common, with football and basketball being the most dangerous sports. Poisonings causes by drug and alcohol abuse also cause a significant number of injuries and deaths among this age group.

Liability Issues for Child Injuries

In some cases, another party can be held liable for your child’s injuries. This is especially true in motor vehicle injuries. Pedestrians almost always have the right of way on the roadways, so the driver who hit your child may be at fault for damages caused by the injuries.

Negligent supervision by another party can also lead to liability issues. For example, a daycare provider who leaves your child alone and causes them to get burned or drown may be considered at fault. A distracted lifeguard who lets your child drown in a public pool could also face liability issues.

Getting Legal Help for Child Injuries

While many children cause their own injuries without third party involvement, sometimes there is a liable party. In these cases, it’s important to hold these parties accountable and have them contribute to medical bills and other damages.

The compassionate child injury lawyers at Belt, Bruner, & Barnett P.C. can assess the cause of your child’s injuries and determine if you have any legal rights to compensation. Get your free case evaluation today by calling (205) 933-1500.

When your son or daughter has been seriously injured in an accident that was no fault of their own, talk to the serious injury lawyers at Belt, Bruner & Barnett today. We offer a case evaluation free of charge and are ready to help you obtain full compensation for your losses. With offices in Birmingham, Mobile, Huntsville, and Montgomery, our lawyers can travel virtually anywhere in the state of Alabama to investigate your case.